

GLS, part of the Findel Family, is an e-commerce platform where teachers and educators can purchase all of their educational supplies.
In order to achieve the goals for GLS, Findel needed to invest in some UI / UX expertise to help improve the websites user experience by looking at areas such as the product pages, registration process, user profiles and the basket.
The brief I received from Findel was to produce a selection of Wireframes and Prototypes for GLS.
For the Wireframing and Prototyping, I was tasked with leading on this side of the project. Throughout this project I worked as part of a team which specialised in customer experience for Findel products. At the start of the project there was a roadmap in place which listed the key areas that needed addressing. User feedback and a list of pain points from the current website had been curated to aid our decision making.

Working closely with the team, we worked in a two week sprint cycle to come up with a page by page solution for the website over a four week period. This involved discussions around how we could improve the existing pages by reviewing the user feedback, coming up with improvements from a UI / UX point of view and then creating a wireframe for each page.

Once a wireframe was ready for review, I would then showcase it in a demo call with the relevant team members. This allowed us to run through the wireframe in a prototype format by showing the suggested improvements and how it simplified the process. Once the selected page was approved, it would then be sent over to the creative team to create a high fidelity mock-up.


Are you interested in working with me? Send me a message on or direct message me on the links shown in this footer. You can also download my CV if you'd like to know more.
